Das Medical Data Institute (MDI) stellt ein Brückenglied zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Behörden dar und versteht sich als deren Partner bei komplexen Fragestellungen innerhalb des Gesundheitswesens. Das Institut sorgt ebenfalls für die Publikation der Ergebnisse in Fach- und Publikumspresse und erarbeitet Anregungen für erforderliche Maßnahmen.
Pflegekongress Bremen am 39.14.1897 in der Leitzhalle
uzgdsfui szudf uzsadgf idsaiuhf uiadshfi hdais fiuhas fiuads ifh iuasdf ihdasi fhiuadsh fiuhdas ifhiuads iuh iuhdsai fiudash fihasd ifhiudas ihdasif hiuasdhf iadhsu uzgdsfui szudf uzsadgf idsaiuhf uiadshfi hdais fiuhas fiuads ifh iuasdf ihdasi fhiuadsh fiuhdas ifhiuads iuh iuhdsai fiudash fihasd ifhiudas ihdasif hiuasdhf iadhsu uzgdsfui szudf uzsadgf idsaiuhf uiadshfi hdais fiuhas fiuads ifh iuasdf ihdasi fhiuadsh fiuhdas ifhiuads iuh iuhdsai fiudash fihasd ifhiudas ihdasif hiuasdhf iadhsu uzgdsfui szudf uzsadgf idsaiuhf uiadshfi hdais fiuhas fiuads ifh iuasdf ihdasi fhiuadsh fiuhdas ifhiuads iuh iuhdsai fiudash fihasd ifhiudas ihdasif hiuasdhf iadhsu
Aktuelles MDI-Schwerpunktthema: Kompressionstherapie
Die Mitglieder der MDI-Expertengruppe Kompressionstherapie:
Prof. Knut Kröger, Krefeld
Prof. Joachim Dissemond, Essen
Prof. Markus Stücker, Bochum
PD Dr. Stefanie Reich-Schupke, Bochum
Prof. Eberhard Rabe, Bonn
Dr. Gerd Lulay, Rheine
Prof. Martin Storck, Karlsruhe
Prof. Peter Kujath, Lübeck
Josef Hug, Karlsruhe
Prof. Volker Großkopf, Köln
Dr. Anya Miller, Berlin
Kerstin Protz, Hamburg
Dr. Peter Schlüter, Hemsbach
Dr. Karl-Christian Münter, Hamburg
"Jedes Mitglied dieser Gruppe hat in seinem Fachbereich eine besondere Kompetenz, die für das Ressort Kompression wichtig ist", unterstreicht einer der Ressortleiter, Prof. Knut Kröger aus Krefeld. Die Experten dieser Gruppe sind handverlesen und stammen aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet.
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Die drei Schritte der Wundtherapie
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Abrechnung von Kompressionstherapie
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Kompressionsversorgung in Deutschland - Interview mit Kerstin Protz
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Kompression in der Lymphtherapie
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Zusammenarbeit in der Lymphtherapie
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Basics zum Ulcus Cruris Venosum
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Basic - Lymphödeme
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Vortrag Dr. Schlüter - Abrechnung in der Kompressionstherapie
DGP-Kongress Dresden
Selbstmanagement in der Kompressionstherapie
DGP-Kongress Bamberg
Indikationen und Evidenz der Kompressionstherapie
DGP-Kongress Bamberg
Fortbildungsinitiative Kompressionstherapie
Bremer Wundkongress
Aktuelle Fragen zur Kompressionstherapie
Medical Data Institute
International Institute for Health Economics
The healthcare sector is undergoing rapid change. Technical developments in medicine, demographic changes, a new understanding of health in the population and - last but not least - the virtual disintegration of our jointly-financed healthcare system: all these factors are contributing to the breakup of established structures and creating unprecedented tensions. Within this state of affairs, the healthcare sector is currently developing into one of the largest growth markets. At the heart of this conflict is science, which is playing a fundamental role in the process: research constitutes the foundation for innovation, and thus should be seen as a decisive and economically relevant factor.
Objectives and Tasks
Against this background, the task of the International Institute for Health Economics is to evaluate new scientific approaches in terms of their medical and economic benefits, and to support or - as the case may be - to facilitate the transfer of these new approaches into the economy. The kinds of projects that are considered are those with the potential to further develop, or sustainably alter, areas of the healthcare sector.
Ambitious tests and studies are carried out and evaluated with the help of data analysis, expertise from various areas of the healthcare system as well as access into an extensive network of sources from the world of politics, from research centers, health insurance providers and industry. The aim of these studies is to examine the scientific soundness and efficiency of innovative tools and establish that they are beneficial to, or help to maintain, good health. Our guiding principle when doing so is the belief that every person has the right to be treated according to established standards dictated by medical research - and at affordable prices.
By bundling professional expertise, the International Institute for Health Economics acts as a bridge between science and economics, and sees itself as a leading partner in complex issues within the healthcare system. The Institute also provides for the publication of studies and tests in both specialist and general publications, as well as formulating suggestions as to what additional measures are needed.
Through its work, the Institute intends to provide a vital contribution towards the optimal use of existing scientific know-how by facilitating the development of marketable products from innovations, as well as improving the framework conditions for research and development.
The International Institute for Health Economics aims to examine the individual issues arising in the healthcare system from as many perspectives as possible. The Institute’s departments cover the following areas: