Prof. Wilfried von Eiff, Dr. rer. pol. Dr. biol. hom.
Expert in Health Economics
Prof. Wilfried von Eiff has been a professor in hospital management at the University of Münster since 1994 and is head of the Center for Hospital Management.
He is a licensed INSIGHTS MDI Trainer as well as an EFQM (European Foundation of Quality Management) Assessor.
His core tasks include:
• Procurement and logistics management
• Business process management
• Strategic management
• Mergers and acquisitions
• Quality management
• Profit improvement programs, cost control and benchmarking
• Medical cost control
• Benchmarking
Prof. Wilfried von Eiff is a consultant in Health Economics at the International Institute for Health Economics. His main responsibility is to assess the medical and economic value of new technologies, and to test how they can contribute to greater added value and better results for patients. Acknowledging that the healthcare system is chronically underfunded, Prof. von Eiff strives to achieve greater quality and efficiency at the same level of, or indeed reduced, costs.
Curriculum vitae
since 1994
Professor for industry and hospital management at the University of Münster
since 1994
Head of the Centrum für Krankenhaus-Management (centre for hospital management), CKM, Münster
Faculty of Economics, Würzburg University
Graduation as Dr. biol. hom.
Faculty of Medicine, Giessen University
1980 - 1994
Various management positions in the field of organization and information management within the automobile industry as well as principal adviser of an international consulting company
1977 until 1980
Administrative director and member of the board at the hospital Klinikum Gießen
Graduation as Dr. rer. pol.
Faculty of Economics, University Tübingen
Project manager at the Research Institute for Industrial Economy, University Tübingen
Diplom-Economist (Degree)
Economics Studies, Giessen University
Adjunct Responsibilities
• Supervisory board member of the Max-Planck-Institute for Physiologic and Clinical Research – Kerckhoff Clinic GmbH, Bad Nauheim
• Joint organizer of the annually convention “MARA: Management in der Radiologie” (management within radiology)
Commitment for “Kinderkrebshilfe” (Child Cancer Foundation) (among others co-founder of “Tour der Hoffnung” (Tour of Hope) in support of children suffering from cancer and leukemia)